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Click here to see List
of Swedenborg's Writings
Comprehensive Discourse Analysis
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (applications)
Quotations from the above four Parts:
From Part 1
Part 1: Overview: The Height and Breadth of
Part 2: The internalization of Discourse
I. The Information in Symbols or
II. The Argument in Titles or Mid-discourse
III. The Synergetic Function or
Part 3: The Externalization of Discourse.
(A) The Affective Domain of Human Affairs or
the Language of Motives
(B) The Cognitive Domain of Human Affairs or
the Language of Means
(C) The Sensorimotor Domain of Human Affairs
of the Language of Effects
Part 4: Applications of Comprehensive
Discourse Analysis
(a) Language Arts and ESL
(i) Student-done Discourse Analysis
(ii) Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking
(iii) Teaching Literature, Philosophy,
(b) Therapy, Guidance and Counseling
(i) Chart of Dysfunctions
(ii) Transcript Analysis
(iii) Teaching Literature, Philosophy,
(c) Self-Examination for Personal Growth
(i) Analysis of Inner Speech
(ii) The Development of Understanding
(d) Applied Psycholinguistics and
(i) Topicalization Behavior
(ii) Speech Act Theory
(iii) Transcript Analysis or Talk
(iv) Content Analysis
(v) The Format of Dictionaries
(vi) Epistemology
(vii) Library Science and Information Theory
(viii) Song Analysis
(ix) Bible Analysis
(x) Genetic Culture and Religious Psychology
Part 1: Overview: The Height and
Breadth of Discourse
The universe of discourse has been recognized in the writings of the world's literature to
possess two directions of variation. The first direction may be called the height of
discourse because it is a continuum that arranges discourse according to its level of
abstract; that is, its degree of removal from the concrete. What this
"concreteness/abstract" continuum consists of will be discussed in a moment. The
second direction of the breadth of discourse because it is a continuum that
arranges discourse according to its phase of externalization from the inmost impulses of
human activity to its outermost manifestation in time and space or the external act
itself. In this section I present a theoretical rationale for specifying these two
fundamental dimensions of the existence of discourse. This work is based on the
writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772).
From Part 2
Comprehensive Discourse Analysis: Illustration: The Heights and
Breadth of Discourse |

III. High-discourse
Synergetic Function |
Breadth  |
Domain (by (by presupposition)
(by implications)
Domain (by paraphrase)
manufacturers are altruistic and fear for the life of the owner and the appliance
(9) |
manufacturers believe that showing their disapproval for bad habits would make us more
careful (8) |
It is
dangerous and foolish to immerse this and other electric appliances in water at any
You're doing a dumb thing if you don't keep water away from electric machines like this
one. (7) |
II. Mid-discourse (TITLE-SENTENCES)
Pragmatic Function
manufacturers have a sense of responsibility for their product and how it ought not to be
handled (6) |
manufactures believe that appealing to our intelligence would give us the right attitude
towards its safe handling (5) |
is an electric appliance, and like all electric appliances, should never be immersed in
water Keep
water away from this machine at all times since it is electric (4) |
Communicative Function |
The manufactures
are trying to inform and warn owners regarding proper handling (3) |
The manufactures
believe that providing the relevant information would prevent breakdowns and
accidents (2) |
Do not immerse in
water Keep
water away
from this appliance
(1) |
From Part 3
(i) The Threefold Self
Discourse Analysis is conceived and proposed as an analytic method for investigating human
affairs. It is not a theory as such though it involves certain assumptions one must be
willing to adopt as an orientation in its use and application. I believe that there is
general agreement among contemporary scholars regarding a few traditional values about
humans and society. It is this agreement that can form the basis of an interdisciplinary
methodology. In this section I want to show how this shared commonality can be forged into
a shared orientation for the investigation of humans and their affairs. I hope it will be
evident that this method can be shared by behavioral scientists, biographers, theologians,
or philosophers, social workers and political scientists. In my thinking multidisciplinary
sharing of a method and orientation is of great value and utility because it is likely to
yield more comprehensive theories and accounts of human affairs.
The height of discourse was defined by the operational terms
symbol, title, and idea (see diagrams). Justifications were given for subdividing the
height continuum into three zones called stages or levels. Briefly, these justifications
were as follows. For the lowest level, called communicative discourse (I. Symbol), the
function is the exchange of information in some domain of human affairs; also, its storage
and retrieval. For the second level, called pragmatic discourse (II. Title), the function
is the evaluative ranking of information; this necessarily involves knowledge and use of
group norms regarding what is logical or commonsensical. For the third and highest level,
called synergetic discourse (III. Idea). The function is the personal confirmation or
appropriation of values and ideals that form and organize the two lower levels.
This is then the logic of internalization and therefore, it must
also be the logic of mental development and growth. To apply these assumptions to the
development of the self, let us equate the height dimension of discourse to the height
dimension of the self. The following might be one possibility worth exploring.
Keeping in focus that we want three zones of height for the
stages of self-development, we may define the lowest zone as involving the external person
as a socio-legal entity. The law of the land sometimes extends its protection to the
individual even while in utero (as in abortion laws) and always from birth onwards.
This protection covers the full range of the external person: people's bodies, their deeds
in act and speech, their, reputation, possessions, rights, and their freedom to pursue
their own happiness. Traditionally, the external person is identified with the natural
world: body and mind. The natural body is an object of medical treatment and study; its
natural behavior is the study of psychology and other disciplines. The laws and principles
governing the natural body and the natural mind have been known and explored by writers of
human affairs since antiquity. Contemporary community practices show what we believe these
laws and principle to be. For example, in education, the external child is taught by
exposure, repetition, and social reward systems. Our judicial system apprehends and
incarcerates the lawbreakers; the punishment of fines, imprisonment, or death is a
relation of the State to the external, natural person. There is not necessarily an attempt
to reform the ethics, religion, or life philosophy of convicts, though many have argued
that we ought to do it.
Tradition gives us the idea that the external person is but a
covering for the internal person. In this notion, internal also means higher: the inner
person is spiritual and external, it is the spirit or the soul, the 'psyche' that is an
immortal organic entity. If this traditional view is going to be of utility to scientists
as well as biographers, philosophers, and theologians, we need a bridging zone between the
external self that is natural, and the internal self that is super-natural or spiritual.
Such an intermediary zone has already been well elaborated by phenomenologists in
philosophy, psychology, sociology, and biography/fiction. One expression used is the
activity of "abstracting out" sensory and material concepts or thoughts so that
only nonmaterial or rational ideas are left. For example, to explain human behaviors that
appear altruistic or prosocial, many have invoked the notion that our outer (lowest) self
is operating in accordance to selfishness or reciprocal competition with other outer
selves, but that our inner self is operating in accordance to cooperativeness or
interdependent life, of which altruism is an expression.
Thus, in this traditional view, the
inner/higher self is an immortal spiritual organ and can assume control over the mortal,
outer/lower self, which is a natural organ. In between these upper and lower zones of the
self there is an intermediate zone which functions to bridge the gap between natural and
spiritual: it is the rational self, which is thus a mixture of the natural and the
spiritual. This rational self is an organ that accommodates mixed concepts; some
"purely rational" -- which is actually "purified natural", others
"mixed rational" -- which is the stimulus and beginning of purification of
conceptual elevation. Much can be found in the literature of the world regarding these
three selves of the human beings: the natural, the rational, and the spiritual. Diagram
3c/8q pictures many of these traditional notions. A further specification of these three
ontological stages is possible when the three levels, of height are described each
according to their phases of externalization. Thereto I now proceed.
The breadth of discourse was defined by Comprehensive Discourse
Analysis into three externalization phases called. (A) Affective Domain, (B) Cognitive
Domain, and (C) Sensorimotor Domain. (See diagrams O/(13a) and O/(14a). These notions can
now be combined and applied to a threefold-self model of human behavior, as pictured in
diagram (3c/9a).
The nine boxes of this ennead matrix are to be pictured as an
upward spiraling vortex, with box 1 at the outermost bottom and box 9 at the inmost top.
The automatic self (3à 2à 1) operates by externalizing built-in and acquired drives (3)
through conventionalized methods of information processing (2) until they manifest as
performed habit-routines (1). Thus, the discourse that exists at this level is
communicative and involves symbols containing information--either affective information
(3), cognitive information (2), or sensorimotor information (1). Low affective discourse
(3) reveals the why of routine interactions; low cognitive discourse (2) reveals
the how of routine interactions; low sensorimotor discourse (1) reveals the what
of routine behaviors. For example, if a stranger on the street accosts us and says,
"Which way is the beach?", we can specify three phases of externalization at the
level of the automatic self, as follows:
Affective |
Cognitive |
Sensorimotor |
I |
(3à 2à 1) |
wants to know
where the
beach is. |
thinks I know
where the beach
is. |
The stranger is
asking me to
indicate where
the beach is. |
Low (Why) |
Low (How) |
Low (What) |
This analysis indicates how we automatically
act upon a want or need through a conventionalized method and its execution.
Now we can consider how this picture can be elevated or
internalized by the reflective self. Consider:
Affective |
Cognitive |
Sensorimotor |
II. |
(6à 5à 4) |
The stranger
committed to
civilized rules of
exchange and
would do the
same for me. |
The stranger
expects me to
respond to his
inquiry or else,
it behooves me to explain. |
The stranger
making a request of me. |
Mid (Why) |
Mid (How) |
Mid (What) |
The more elevated character of this
second-level discourse is visible when we contrast the underlined elements. In phase A of
externalization the contrast is wants to vs. is committed to; in phase B, it
is thinks vs. expects; in phase C, it is asks vs. requests.
Note that wants to, thinks, and asks are expressions belonging to low-discourse and have a
communicative function. Similarly, is committed to, expects, and requests are expressing
belonging to mid-discourse.
3c/8a. The Threefold Self: Levels of Height or
Internalization |
III. |
The Spiritual
Stage III. Interdependence Collective Life Adulthood
Synergetic Function Idea |
Spiritual Mind.
Responsive to Truth-value Involves Spiritual
Wisdom or inspirational Intelligence Living according to Conformations in own life of
ideas and values |
II. |
The Reflective
Stage II. Independence Competitive Life Adolescence
Pragmatic Function Title |
The Rational Mind.
Responsive to Reasoning Involves Socio-Moral
Intelligence Living according to Borrowed Ideas and Values, Borrowed Reasonings, but Own
Experiences |
I. |
Automatic Self:
Stage I. Dependency Cooperative life Childhood
Communicative Function Symbol |
The Natural Mind.
Responsive to Gain and Reward Involves
Automated Intelligence Living According to Borrowed ideas and Values, Borrowed Reasonings,
but Own Experiences |
3c/9a. The Threefold Self: Levels of
Internalization and Phases of Externalization


A |
B |
C |
Affective Domain |
Cognitive Domain |
Domain |
III. |
Ideas Spiritual
Self Synergetic function Internal Person 
pertaining to the hierarchy of ruling loves & affections (9) |
pertaining to revealed, doctrines, universal truths and personal confirmation (8) |
pertaining to the execution of truths from loves, i.e. the doings of uses (7) |
II. |
Titles Reflective
Self Pragmatic Function Middle Person 
pertaining to the hierarchy of rational motives and injunctions (6)  |
pertaining to rationalization of derived truths and their inferences and
implications (5)  |
pertaining to the execution of rationalized motives or planned behaviors (4) |
I. |
Symbols Automatic
Self communicative function External Person |
pertaining to the hierarchy of need-reward systems or acquired drives (3)  |
pertaining to the processing of information in accordance with established routines and
habits (2) |
pertaining to the execution of habit routines, their style and rhythm (1) |
The first group belongs to symbols (wanting
to, thinking, asking), the second group to titles (committed, expect, request). Symbols
involve information processing; titles involve information ranking or evaluation.
Information processing with symbols such as wants, thinks, asks, is an
automatic algorithmic. Machines and artificial intelligence software are simulations of
human information processing routines. A robot is an image of the automatic self. It wants,
thinks, and asks (or does). But a robot cannot be committed to,
or have an expectation or request. Perhaps the robot may act as the agent or
servant of the manufacturer or engineer, so that the robot can be committed to
obeying in the name of the manufacturer; or perhaps the robot may appear to have
expectations, but these too are in the name of the manufacturer who placed the software
into the robot; similarly, the robot may appear to make a request, but again this turns
out to be the manufacturer's request placed in the robot. Thus it may be seen what exactly
is the character of discourse which the automatic self produces vs. the character of
discourse which the reflective self produces.
Now to complete the discussion, let us devastate the discourse to
the synergetic function of the spiritual self and its use of idea-sentences to continue
the same example:
3c/13 |
Affective |
Cognitive |
Sensorimotor |
III. |
Spiritual Self
(9à 8à 7) |
The stranger is entitled
to be relieved from this type of distress so I must make myself available. |
The stranger must
be given information I have in a way that he can understand it and remember it. |
The stranger has
given me an opportunity to be useful. |
That underlined expressions entitled to,
must be in a way, to be useful, indicate the character of high-discourse.
These expressions are in the category of synergetic function since they each function as
cybernetic guiding mechanisms. Being entitled to, is determined by cultural premises and
fundamental values: culture pre-defines the standards of who is entitled to and who
is not, to one thing or another. Similarly with must do in a way that: this denotes
a universal necessity or a personal necessity; no other way is acceptable. Similarly with to
be useful: this denotes a universal and unconditional act of acceptance and
relationship; any other stranger would be entitled to the same treatment. The character of
the three zones of discourse by height may be seen through the threefold contrast of the
example we've been considering and which is summarized in diagram 3c/14a.
3c/14a. E X T E R N A L I Z A T I O N |
Internalization: |
Domain |
Domain |
Domain |
High-discourse of the
Spiritual Self |
(9) |
THAT (8) |
(7) |
II. Own
Mid-discourse of the Reflective Self |
TO (6) |
I. Own
Low-discourse of the Automatic Self |
WANTS TO (3) |
THINKS (2) |
ASKS (1) |
This solution is in accord with the operational definitions given
earlier (e.g., see diagrams 3c/9a and 13a and 14a). Solutions of this sort may be used to
categorize expressions. The advantages to be gained from this method are several: we may
need an empirical method for grouping particular expressions; we may want to measure the
distance between two samples of discourse; we may want to prepare a thesaurus of glossary
of expressions from which users can draw discourse segments of given levels of height; and
so-on. In this case, the illustration may be applied to the issue of self-growth of the
threefold self.
From Part 4
Table Of Contents
Discourse Analysis
BY Leon J._______
Leon James and Diane Nahl
Daily Round Archives
Psychology Department, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
8 / Organizational Development & Psychology
CROSS-REFERENCES David Heenan's Colloquium, Psych Dept.
Nov. 5, 1981_________________ ______________________________________________
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (applications)
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