Scientific discovery of Spiritual Laws given in Rational Scientific Revelations

Half a Century of Science in Psychology

Scientific Neologisms Coined by Leon James

For the Period 1958-2008

(formerly: Leon A. Jakobovits)
Dr. Leon James
University of Hawaii
2008 (version 26b)
See also:    Neochart by Sub-Categories ||  My Favorite and Major Neos by Year  

To see the Neo Book discussing the Neochart, click here.
Note: This book project is still ongoing (see the version number indicated above).
This electronic book published in 2008 may be copied for personal and educational use. Commercial republishing or redistributing is prohibited without written permission.

To access the Master Neochart by alphabetical entry:

Introduction  || A B C D || E F G H || I J K L || M N O P || Q R S T || U V W X Y Z

Entries marked (see Book) refer to the Mind-Body Correspondences book (2008).
Scientific neologisms coined by me (1958-2008)    Date Published    Google/Yahoo search (2008)
  1. Make visible the topic focus of its people
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  2. Makes a mistake, tailgates, or changes
            lanes unnecessarily                                     2008                          0

  3. Makes us really intelligent and spiritually
            sane (see Book)                                        2008                          0

  4. Male dominance model of marriage                   2006                          0

  5. Manages thoughts, manages correspondences,
            manages events, manages reality (God)
           (see Book)                                                 2008                           0 

  6. Managing, directing, and controlling the entire
            affective hierarchy (see Book)                  2008                          0

  7. Man's cognitive organ (see Book)                     2008                          0

  8. Manufacture of new metaphors                           1966                          0

  9. Many people are driving around in a constant
            seething rage.                                             2008                          0

  10. Maps the inner religious world                           1988                          0

  11. Marriage between affective and
            cognitive neologisms (see Book)               2008                          0

  12. Marriages that practice the male dominance
            model (see Book)                                      2008                          0

  13. Masculine intelligence looks outward
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  14. Masculine love (see Book)                                2008                          0

  15. Masculine neologisms (see Book)                     2008                          0

  16. Masculine neologistic productions clash
            with feminine ones. (see Book)                 2008                          0

  17. Masculine resistance tactics (email)                    2008                         0

  18. Massive, universally accessible, new medium    1994                         0

  19. Master Neochart (see Book)                               2008                          0

  20. Maturation of the organ of the interior-natural
            mind                                                            2002                          0

  21. Maxed out baby– no dinner for you tonight.
    (reflective neo while weighing myself)               2008                           0

  22. Meaning: a three-dimensional analysis              1969

  23. Meaning of the corresponding spiritual
            neologism (see Book)                                2008                          0

  24. Meaning is indeterminate                                   1969                          2,300   

  25. Meaning within meaning within meaning
             (see Book)                                                 2008                        6

  26. Meaningless neologisms (see Book)                  2008                        55   

  27. Measurement of semantic satiation                      1967                        13

  28. Mechanism of interiorization                                1995                         2

  29. Mechanisms for counteracting adaptation
            to enlightenment                                          1974                         0

  30. Mediated satiation in verbal transfer                    1962                         0

  31. Mental anatomy                                                    2007                         2,000

  32. Mental anatomy terminology (email)                    2008                          0

  33. Mental anatomy of men and women
    (see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  34. Mental anatomy, spiritual body, and eternity      2007                         0  

  35. Mental Anatomy: The Chart of 12 Layers             2008                          0

  36. Mental and emotional dynamics                         1997                         0

  37. Mental biology                                                     2007                         9,000

  38. Mental conjunction requires reciprocal
            organic structures. (see Book)                    2008                          0

  39. Mental development is forever with immortal
            beings such as we are.
    (see Book)                  2008                          0

  40. Mental driving economy                                      2000                          0

  41. Mental dungeon of evil loves (see Book)            2008                          0

  42. Mental encyclopedia                                           1973                          1,000

  43. Mental ether is created as an expanse around
            the Spiritual Sun which forms its center and
            its highest point.
    (see Book)                          2008                          0

  44. Mental ether of eternity (see Book)                  2008                         0 

  45. Mental expanse, a rational ether                        2008                         0

  46. Mental habits and ruling love                              2007                         0

  47. Mental health of drivers                                      1984                         1

  48. Mental impairment driving hazard                      2000                         0

  49. Mental internet  (see Book)                              2008                         2,340  

  50. Mental layer where hell operates in every
            human mind   (see Book)                          2008                        0  

  51. Mental layers                                                        2007                        1,250

  52. Mental location in an individual’s unique mind
             (see Book)                                                 2008                         0

  53. Mental neologisms (see Book)                           2008                         0  

  54. Mental objects and operations (see Book)         2008                        10 

  55. Mental or spiritual receptor organs                       1984                         0

  56. Mental organs                                                       2004                         0

  57. Mental performances of our inner loves
    (see Book)                                                    2008                         0    

  58. Mental procedures are organic and biological
            (see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  59. Mental resuscitation process                                 2004                         0

  60. Mental self-monitoring                                          2007                        30

  61. Mental state of temptation and suffering               2004                         0

  62. Mental states in our natural mind in daily life
    (see Book)                                                    2008                         0  

  63. Mental technology                                                 2004                         11,400

  64. Mental technology of spiritual self-witnessing       2004                          0

  65. Mental unity of the human race (see Book)          2008                         1 

  66. Mental variety of neologisms  (see Book)             2008                         1 

  67. Mental vehicles of delivery  (see Book)                2008                         1

  68. Mental world has the human anatomical
             form  (see Book)                                          2008                         0

  69. Mental world of eternity                                         2004                         0

  70. Mental world of eternity (or spiritual world)           2008                         0

  71. Mental world of eternity is a human sphere
             (see Book)                                                  2008                         0 

  72. Mental world of sensations,
            thoughts and feelings                                     2007                         0

  73. Mental world is the cause that is within
            the effect (see Book)                                   2008                         0

  74. Mere witnessing                                                     1974                         950

  75. Merely witnessing doing nothing                           1974                         0

  76. Meta-neos (see Book)                                         2008                         0

  77. Meta-neos in education and training
            (see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  78. Meta-meta-neos (see Book)                                2008                         0

  79. Meta-neos are necessary communicative
            devices. (see Book)                                    2008                         0

  80. Metaphysics of nothingness                                   1971                         24

  81. Metaphysics of physics                                          1971                         75

  82. Method of affective realignment for
            character self-modification
                              2004                         0

  83. Method of correspondences
            with enlightenment                                      2004                         0

  84. Method of psycho-biological correspondence      2004                         0

  85. Microdescriptions of inner life                              1984                         0

  86. Microdescriptions of library research                   1985                         0

  87. Mind's three discrete degrees                               1995                        0     

  88. Minds of female souls                                           1985                        0

  89. Misattribution of standardized imaginings
    see Book)      )                                             2008                        0

  90. Mobius strip book                                                 1976                         0

  91. Mobius strip of awakening                                   1973                         0 

  92. Model of Conversational Transactions                 1973                         0

  93. Models of spiritual development                          2004                         300

  94. Modes of captivity                                                1974                         5

  95. Modification of our mental state (see Book)       2008                         0  

  96. Modifying driving personality                               2000                         0

  97. Modulating states of anger                                   1980                         0

  98. Modulations of individual seeking
            (and suffering)                                              1977                         0

  99. Money thoughts                                                    1980                         30,000

  100. Monitor their in-house neologistic productivity
           (see Book)                                                  2008                         0 

  101. More of a cat  (email)                                           2008                         2,000

  102. More specific or referential manner                     1974                         0

  103. Morphotopological                                               1978                         6

  104. Morphotopological representations                      1978                         1

  105. Moses Mind: Three States of Sectarianism           1999                         0

  106. Moses, Paul, and Swedenborg: Three Steps
            in Rational Spirituality                                  1999                         0

  107. Motivated by mental anatomy  (see Book)           2008                         0

  108. Motivation in foreign language learning               1970                        1,700

  109. Motivational acts of the will (affective)                  1983                         0

  110. Motor readinesses and determinations
    see Book)                                                    2008                          0  

  111. Motorist-to-motorist communication                       2000                         0

  112. Moved and motivated by higher spiritual truths     2007                         0

  113. Movement of discourse                                          1977                         70

  114. Musical neologisms (see Book)                             2008                         0

  115. Must rely on enlightenment from the
            Divine Psychologist (see Book)                     2008                         0

  116. My enlightenment becomes automatized              1974                         0

  117. My re-awakenings assume a new pattern.             1974                         0

  118. My wife recognized the significance of this new

            spiritual truth. (see Book)                             2008                         0

  119. Myriad of similitudes (email)                                   2008                         0

  120. Mystical Faith or the Paul-Phase                            1999                          0

  121. Myth of inadequacy                                                2003                          0

  122. Natural-corporeal mind (layer 9)                             2008                          0

  123. Natural marriages on earth are designed by God

            to foster the psychological growth of our

            inborn conjugial character. (see Book)        2008                          0

  124. Natural mind is tied by correspondence to the

            physical body. (see Book)                            2008                         0

  125. Natural-spiritual correspondences                         2007                         0

  126. Natural verbal neologisms (see Book)               2008                         0  

  127. Nature and Character of God                                 2004                        39,000

  128. Nature of history-making                                       1976                         15 

  129. Nature of stylistic description                                1969                         1

  130. Navigate or get around in hypertext                     1994                         0

  131. Navigation and presence                                      1974                         13

  132. Navigational performances                                   1974                        71

  133. Necessary consequence of socialization
            practices (see Book)                                   2008                        0

  134. Negative and positive bias in science                   2004                        0

  135. Negative bias in science                                       2004                        0

  136. Negative bias in science that excludes the
            Swedenborg Reports (see Book)                2008                        0

  137. Negative bias ideology of scientism                      1984                        0

  138. Negative bias mode of materialism                       2007                        0

  139. Negative rebellious selfish love (see Book)         2008                        0

  140. Negative vs. positive driving                                  2000                        0

  141. Neo (short for neologism) (see Book)                   2008                        0

  142. Neocalendar (see Book)                                       2008                        0

  143. Neocards (see Book)                                            2008                        0

  144. Neochart (see Book)                                            2008                        0

  145. Neochart developer-record (a record of the
            developer of a neochart) (see Book)           
    2008                        0

  146. Neocharting (see Book)                                        2008                        0

  147. Neocharts of different people, epochs, type of
            publication, genre of literature
            (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  148. Neoless (see Book)                                               2008                        0

  149. Neo-analysis (see Book)                                     2008                        0

  150. Neo-articles (email)                                               2008                        0

  151. Neo-biology (see Book)                                       2008                        0

  152. Neo-communication theory (see Book)               2008                        0

  153. Neo filled (see Book)                                           2008                        0

  154. Neo fishing (see Book)                                         2008                        0

  155. Neo message (see Book)                                      2008                        0

  156. Neo methodology (see Book)                               2008                        0

  157. Neo of the month feature (calendar)
            (see Book)                   
                                     2008                        0

  158. Neo production of a group or society is an index

            of its inventiveness, adaptability,

            survivability. (see Book)                                2008                        0

  159. Neo productions (see Book)                                  2008                        0

  160. Neo production by sensorimotor operations
    (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  161. Neo psychology (see Book)                                  2008                        0

  162. Neo refers to a mental operation or state of one
            individual that is being induced upon
            another individual. (see Book)                     2008                        0

  163. Neologism chart (see Book)                                  2008                       0

  164. Neologismic expression (see Book)                     2008                        0

  165. Neologisms about neologisms (meta-neos)
             (see Book)                                                   2008                        0

  166. Neologisms are born in the minds of human
            beings. (see Book)                                       2008                        0

  167. Neologisms are new meanings, hence new

            truths from new loves.  (see Book)               2008                        0

  168. Neologisms of insincerity (see Book)                    2008                       0

  169. Neologisms of sincerity (see Book)                       2008                        0

  170. Neologisms are eternal (see Book)                       2008                        0  

  171. Neologistically (see Book)                                    2008                        500

  172. Neologistic records, graphs, and charts
    (of a group or community) (see Book)                  2008                        0

  173. Neologistic databases (see Book)                         2008                        0

  174. Neologistic constructions (see Book)                    2008                        0

  175. Neologistic discourse analysis (see Book)            2008                        0

  176. Neologistic gyres (see Book)                                2008                        0

  177. Neolgistic records create a spiritual geography
            of our vertical community. (see Book)         2008                        0

  178. Neoligistic rendering (of another word) (email)    2008                        0

  179. Neologistic speech acts (see Book)                      2008                        0

  180. Neopsychology is theistic psychology.
    see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  181. Neo-babies (see Book)                                         2008                        0

  182. Neo-inventiveness (see Book)                               2008                        0

  183. Neo-mania (see Book)                                          2008                        0

  184. Neo-obsession (email)                                             2008                         0                    

  185. Neo-ranking (see Book)                                        2008                        0

  186. Neo show off (see Book)                                       2008                        0

  187. Neo widgets  (see Book)                                       2008                         0

  188. Neos (plural for neo) (see Book)                           2008                        0

  189. Neos are constructed out of rational ether that
            forms the expanse of the mental world of
            humanity. (see Book)                                   2008                        0

  190. Neos are immortal mental packets made of
            spiritual substances. (see Book)                   2008                        0

  191. Neos are not only immortal and spiritual        
            (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  192. Neos are sensorimotor performances
    (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  193. Neos are speech acts we produce that are
            expressions or images of our inner loves.
    (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  194. Neos increase cognitive load. (see Book)             2008                        0

  195. Neos, words, and correspondences
    see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  196. Neurosemantics                                                       1975                        22,600

  197. Neutralize it so it never comes to haunt us again
            (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  198. New ability to love what is good and true
            in our mind  (see Book)                                2008                        0

  199. New and more excellent life (see Book)              2008                        0

  200. New approach to text presentation                        1994                        0  

  201. New dawn in your mental landscape (email)         2008                        0

  202. New dualism                                                          1985                        0

  203. New heavenly strength (see Book)                       2008                        0

  204. New fruits that are delightful and even
             instructive (see Book)                                  2008                        0

  205. New fuel efficiency standards have become an
            important measure of driving excellence.     2008                       0

  206. New knowledge outpaces old theory and old
            method.                                                         1982                        0

  207. New meaning and consciousness (see Book)       2008                        0  

  208. New juxtapositions of words                                  1966                        0

  209. New ways of having an exchange (see Book)       2008                        0

  210. News stories reporting criticisms by safety
            officials of hypermiling strategies                   2008                         0  

  211. Nine Zones of Life or Self                                        1984                        0

  212. Nine zones of the ennead matrix                            1999                        0

  213. Ninefold self                                                            1984                         6

  214. Ninefold Word  (Sacred Scripture)                          1984                         5

  215. No fulfillment in personal seeking                          1976                         0

  216. No neos are produced in hell. (see Book)              2008                         0

  217. No one knows a neo prior to its construction by

            just one person. (see Book)                          2008                         0

  218. No other human consciousness (see Book)          2008                         0  

  219. Non-essential attributes or properties                     1966                         0

  220. Non-existence of evil neos (see Book)                 2008                         0

  221. Non-religious psychotherapies                                1988                         0

  222. Non-theistic psychology adopts this materialistic

            perspective.                                                     2008                         0

  223. Non-theistic psychology has nothing to say about

            mental anatomy.                                             2008                         0

  224. Non-theistic psychology denies that

            the mind exists.                                              2008                         0

  225. Nonsense neologisms (see Book)                        2008                         20      

  226. Nontheistic psychology                                           2006                         1

  227. No one knows a neo prior to its construction by
            just one person.  (see Book)                         2008                         0

  228. No love exists that is not heavenly from the Grand
            Human or hellish from the Grand Monster.
             (see Book)                                                   2008                         0 

  229. No other woman in eternity (email)                       2008                         0

  230. Non-scientific neologisms  (see Book)                  2008                         0

  231. Normal thinking mode is suspended
            (see Book)                                                    2008                         0

  232. Norms, ideas, and loves (see Book)                   2008                         0 

  233. Not based in the Grand Human
            (see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  234. Not conscious of it until after resuscitation
              (see Book)                                                2008                         0

  235. Not our banking practice but God's                        2008                         0

  236. Not true to the freedom of scientific inquiry
    (see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  237. Noticings                                                                1977                         6,000

  238. Noticings in the environment                                 1973                         0

  239. Nouvelle philosophie de l'enseignement
            des langues                                                    1973                         0

  240. Novel rhetorical schemes                                       1969                         0

  241. Novice older drivers                                               2000                         7

  242. Now it is permitted for a husband and wife to
            create a heavenly union here on earth.         2008                        0

  243. Now rearrange the list to create a
            spiritual neo-poem.                                       2008                         0

  244. Now this is what I would call good hypermiling
            practices.                                                       2008                         0

  245. Objectifies life on the daily round                          1978                         0

  246. Objective analysis of autobiographical accounts   1976                         0

  247. Objective self-assessment for drivers                      2000                        0

  248. Objectively reflected dialectics                              1976                        0 

  249. Obligated to consult his wife’s thinking
            (see Book)                                                     2008                         0

  250. Observational appearances of the data
            (see Book)                                                     2008                         0

  251. Observing the process of experiential contraction

  252. Occurrences of a neo in the work of others
    (see Book)                                                     2008                         0

  253. Official alarm about road rage                               1997                         0

  254. Old Church state within                                          1984                         0

  255. Omnipotent management approach                       2000                        0

  256. Omnipotent management or control
            (see Book)                                                    2008                         0

  257. Omniproprium                                                         2007                         0 

  258. Omniproprium as our as-of self  (see Book)         2008                         0

  259. Only if we know both can we choose from our
            own love. (see Book)                                    2008                         0

  260. On the average, every fifth word is a neo.
            (see Book)                                                   2008                         0

  261. Once the husband operates from the unity model,
             he is establishing an organic entity called
            the conjoint self

  262. Once the temptation is overcome  
    see Book)                                                   2008                         1

  263. One’s ruling love is king (see Book)                    2008                         0

  264. One way to mine this type of neochart
            comparison (see Book)                                2008                         0

  265. Only love in the heavenly layers of our mind is
            capable of bringing neo-babies into eternity.

    see Book)                                                  2008                         0

  266. Operations of the affective organ                          2004                         0      

  267. Operations of the mind that are not in time          2007                         0   

  268. Opposing the Ahrimanic forces of old age            2008                        0

  269. Oppositional driving                                             2000                        1   

  270. Optimizing intentions for
            achieving the conjugial (email)                    2008                        0

  271. Ordinary verbal neologisms  (see Book)            2008                        0

  272. Organic growth of your mind                                2000                        0

  273. Organic union that lasts forever and cannot
            be broken                                                      2008                        0

  274. Organs in the spiritual body                                  2007                        10     

  275. Organized in time-space                                       1969                        11    

  276. Originator of the alleged promise                         1974                        0   

  277. Orthographic discourse                                         1975                        2

  278. Orthographs                                                          1975                        600

  279. Organic virtual learning communities                  1985                         0

  280. Origins of Traffic Psychology                               1980                         0

  281. Oscillation of awareness                                      1974                         8

  282. Our afterlife isn’t real unless it has a solid
            foundation somewhere.                               2008                       0

  283. Our ambivalence, and our incompleteness          2004                       0

  284. Our consciousness cannot move on
    (see Book)                                                   2008                        0

  285. Our immortal life in eternity, which begins
            immediately after death (see Book)           2008                        0

  286. Our linguistic and semantic abilities                    2004                        0 

  287. Our loves and thoughts                                        2004                        0 

  288. Our motivation for searching for this
            understanding is the love we have for
            making sense. (see Book)                           2008                         0

  289. Our own interpretations to the literal of Sacred
            Scripture, using human knowledge,
            nontheistic science, and theory
             (see Book)                                                   2008                        0 

  290. Our spiritual race on this earth is born Fallen.      2008                        0

  291. Our success in regeneration can come only from
            the interior layer of our natural-rational

  292. Our willingness to fight our temptations in
            spiritual combat (see Book)                        2008                        0

  293. Outward feminine love                                          2006                        0

  294. Outward masculine intelligence                            2006                        0

  295. Outward representations of perceiving
            meaning (see Book)                                   2008                         0

  296. Pacify hurt feelings                                               1977                         8

  297. Paradigm switch in the social sciences                1982                         0

  298. Paragraphs you construct for
            their explanations (see Book)                    2008                         0

  299. Paraphrastic transformations                                1976                         17

  300. Partnership driving contract
          (passenger and driver as partners)                 1999                           0

  301. Passenger friendly                                                2000                          26,000

  302. Passionate love never has to cease.
    (see Book)                                                 2008                           0

  303. Path of least affective resistance
            (see Book)                                                 2008                           1

  304. Patriotic neologisms  (see Book)                       2008                           1

  305. Pauline Mind: Three States of Personalism         1999                           0

  306. Pedagogic ambiguities                                        1973                          0 

  307. Pedestrian self-witnessing report                         2000                           0

  308. People obtain their ideas and ideals from the
            neos of others.  (see Book)                        2008                           0

  309. People’s thinking may remain neoless
              (see Book)                                               2008                           0

  310. People who benefit each other from their

            neo-construction procedures feel

            integrated in a community of humanity.

            (see Book)                                                 2008                           0

  311. Perception of the spiritual meaning                   2002                           0

  312. Perceptual contours of the writer’s
            topic focus (see Book)                               2008                           0

  313. Perfecting the American character                     1980                           0

  314. Perfectly ordinary, friendly,
            good-hearted people                                   1997                          0

  315. Perform this extraction process  (see Book)      ) 2008                          0  

  316. Performative dynamics                                        1982                          500

  317. Performative gyres (see Book)                           2008                          0  

  318. Performative medium                                          1975                          600

  319. Performed by collective speech (see Book)       2008                       0  

  320. Performing collective neologisms
            (see Book)                                                  2008                        0

  321. Performative neologisms (see Book)                 2008                         0

  322. Performative sensorimotor neo (see Book)        2008                         0

  323. Performative spiritual neologisms
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  324. Perizonius Thesis                                                 2002                          0

  325. Perpetual novice                                                  1994                          2,000  

  326. Personal pedagogic model                                  1978                          1 

  327. Personal subjective enterprise                             1969                          1

  328. Personality development
             and spiritual maturation                              2007                          0

  329. Personality undergoes a rapid transformation     1997                          0

  330. Pertains and corresponds to the operations of
            our affective organ (see Book)                  2008                         0

  331. Pervasive negativity of their thoughts                  1997                          0 

  332. Pets are spiritually elevated (email)                     2008                          0

  333. Phenomene de la satiation semantique               1968                         0

  334. Phenomenological journeys                                 1988                         2

  335. Phenomenologically traveled
            to the inner states (Swedenborg)                  1984                          0

  336. Philistinism or externalism                                   1981                          0

  337. Philosophers, scientists, poets, and humanists     1982                          0

  338. Philosophy behind the hypermiling
            driving style                                                  2008                         0

  339. Physical body that the Lord assigns to each
            created soul                                                  2008                         0

  340. Physical internet of communities
    (see Book)                                                    2008                        0

  341. Physiology and psychology of second language
            learning                                                        1969                         0

  342. Phonological games and interactions 
            (see Book)                                                   2008                         0

  343. Phonological neologisms (see Book)      )          2008                        39

  344. Phono-neos (see Book)                                      2008                         0

  345. Physical world of time-space-matter                     2007                         1

  346. Physical body and spiritual body are
            tied to each other                                       2007                          0

  347. Physiological aspects
           of foreign language learning

  348. Physiological process that activates and
            maintains the threefold self of
            every individual  (see Book)      )               2008                         0

  349. Physiology and biochemistry of regeneration
             (see Book)                                                2008                         0  

  350. Physiology of spiritual marriages (email)           2008                

  351. Pictographic opposites                                       1969                         2

  352. Pin point on the spiritual map (see Book)         2008                         0  

  353. Pin pointing the semantic shape
    (see Book)                                                 2008                         0

  354. Planetary and ritualistic registers                       1977                         0

  355. Poetic picture of the evolution in
            consciousness (see Book)                          2008                         0

  356. Poetry of neologisms  (see Book)                      2008                         0

  357. Poignant absence of spiritual vision                   1976                         0

  358. Political neologisms  (see Book)                       2008                         3,300

  359. Post-Licensing
           Driver Self-improvement Programs             2006                          0

  360. Positive bias in theistic psychology                    2007                          0

  361. Positive bias in science                                      1982                          0

  362. Positive driving behavior                                    2006                          1

  363. Positivistic slogans                                              1976                          4 

  364. Power to predict or control anything of
            importance (see Book)                               2008                          0

  365. Powerful motive to remain true to the good
    (see Book)                                                  2008                          0

  366. Practical eschatological foundation                    1977                          0

  367. Practice the unity model procedures
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0 

  368. Practices in delimiting topic content                   1976                         0 

  369. Practicing for the conjugial (email)                     2008                         0

  370. Presentational programming                              1975                         9

  371. Precise contours of cultural identity                    1976                          0 

  372. Precise rather than suggestive                            1969                          0

  373. Predicate a chronic particularity                         1976                          0 

  374. Prepare for our life in eternity                             2005                          3

  375. Preparing the spiritual body for a life of
            conjugial happiness                                    2007                          0

  376. Presence of the Grand Human                            2008                          0

  377. Present to our conscious awareness
             or memory  (see Book)                           2008                         0

  378. Preserved forever in the mental
            world of eternity (see Book)                    2008                          0

  379. Presuppositions of the taxonomy                        1983                          0

  380. Pre-topical   (and pretopical)                               1975                          70

  381. Principles of creating virtual presence                1994                          20

  382. Principles of traffic psychology                            1980                           0

  383. Private world of the driver
            (affective, cognitive, sensorimotor)              1984                           0

  384. Procedural steps in individualizing FL
            instruction                                                     1971

  385. Process of recognizing what our inner loves
            really are (see Book)                                 2008                          0

  386. Produced and managed by the Divine
            Neologisms in Sacred Scripture
    (see Book)                                                 2008                           0  

  387. Production of neos is a basic human right
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  388. Productivity potential of the people and
            plans involved

  389. Progressive revelations in Sacred Scripture
            (see Book)                                                2008                          0  

  390. Prolegomena to a theory of
            communicative competence                      1970                           0     

  391. Promote our heavenly life in eternity                 2008                          0          

  392. Pronominal manipulation                                  1976                           4

  393. Propositional Logic of Paraphrastic Sets           1983                  

  394. Prorecord                                                           1975                           18,000  

  395. Protocol of the actual solution process              1983                           0

  396. Provide intellectual content to religion
            (see Book)                                               2008                           0

  397. Psychological bases of second language
            learning                                                     1971                            0

  398. Psychological characteristics of titles               1992 

  399. Psychobiological correspondence                     2004                            

  400. Psychocentric orientation                                  1978                           4 

  401. Psychodynamic battlefield                                 1978                          1

  402. Psychodynamic dialectics                                  1978                          0

  403. Psychodynamic internal regions                        1983                          0

  404. Psychodynamic modality                                   1975                          40

  405. Psychodynamic system or whole                        1983                          0

  406. Psychobiological reality
            of the Second Advent                                  1985                         0

  407. Psychobiology of conscience                              2004                         1

  408. Psychology of neo production (see Book)        2008                        0

  409. Psycholinguistic analysis of the issues                1970                        0

  410. Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic enterprise  1969                        0

  411. Psychological process of regeneration               2007                         0          

  412. Psychological mechanism of
            emotionally impaired driving                     1997                        0

  413. Psychology allied to biological theology           1985                         0

  414. Psychology of cooperation                                 2004                        100

  415. Psychology of cooperation with the
            Divine Psychologist (see Book)                2008                          0

  416. Psychology of inner life                                     1984                         0

  417. Psychology of ordinary language use                1974         

  418. Psychology of our contemporaries                     1976                        9

  419. Psychology of temptations                                 1984                         0                      

  420. Psychology of regeneration                               1985                         40

  421. Psychosemantics                                               1975                         14,000

  422. Psycho-Spiritual Aspects of Mental Health        1988                          0

  423. Psycho-spiritual forces                                      1977                          15

  424. Psycho-theological theory                                 1988                         

  425. Psychotherapy as spiritual geography               2004                         0

  426. Public spirited, altruistic, and orderly
    (see Book)                                                2008                         0

  427. Purify earth so that it corresponds to heaven     2004                         0

  428. Purify itself from hellish enjoyments                  2004                         0

Entries marked (see Book) refer to the Mind-Body Correspondences book (2008).

To access the Master Neochart by alphabetical entry:

Introduction  || A B C D || E F G H || I J K L || M N O P || Q R S T || U V W X Y Z

Source pages

Authors: Leon James &  Diane Nahl Webmaster: I.J. Thompson