Scientific discovery of Spiritual Laws given in Rational Scientific Revelations

Half a Century of Science in Psychology

Scientific Neologisms Coined by Leon James

For the Period 1958-2008

(formerly: Leon A. Jakobovits)
Dr. Leon James
University of Hawaii
2008 (version 26b)
See also:    Neochart by Sub-Categories ||  My Favorite and Major Neos by Year  

To see the Neo Book discussing the Neochart, click here.
Note: This book project is still ongoing (see the version number indicated above).
This electronic book published in 2008 may be copied for personal and educational use. Commercial republishing or redistributing is prohibited without written permission.

To access the Master Neochart by alphabetical entry:

Introduction || A B C D || E F G H || I J K L || M N O P || Q R S T || U V W X Y Z

Entries marked (see Book) refer to the Mind-Body Correspondences book (2008).
Scientific neologisms coined by me (1958-2008)    Date Published    Google/Yahoo search (2008)
  1. Ugliness of the proprium or what is our own     2004                          0

  2. Unambiguous recognition of the function
            of utterances                                             1969                          0

  3. Uncontaminated by the appearances of the
            physical senses (see Book)                      2008                         0

  4. Undergoing the process of resuscitation
     (see Book)                                               2008                         0 

  5. Understanding higher order correspondences
            that are within Sacred Scripture
            (see Book)                                                2008                         0

  6. Understanding online function keys                  2008                          0

  7. Understanding spiritual meanings naturally      2008                          0

  8. Understanding road rage                                   1997                          60

  9. Un-elevated cats  (email)                                   2008                          0

  10. Unelightenment is to reason from
            appearances. (see Book)                          2008                         0

  11. Unforgivingly narrow latitude                            1997                          0

  12. Uninhibited road rage                                        1997                          1

  13. Unique collection of affections (email)               2008

  14. Unique collection of affections, called
            a wife (email)                                             2008

  15. Unique collection of cognitions (email)              2008     

  16. Unique collection of cognitions, called
            a husband (email)                                      2008

  17. Unique conjugial unit (email)                             2008

  18. Unique version of the DoW (email)                     2008

  19. Universal celestial  (see Book)                          2008                          600

  20. Universal human language of eternity               2007                          0

  21. Universal modes of enactment                           1974                          0 (3)

  22. Unsexy conversational style                               2000                          0

  23. Unique subjective life (see Book)                      2008                          0

  24. Unit of life is the couple                                      1985                          0

  25. Unity model of marriage                                    2000                           0

  26. Universal essential substance                            1988                           1

  27. Universalized concerns                                      1988                           1

  28. Unless we teach ourselves in daily life how to
    love doing and thinking what is heavenly,
    we cannot be in heaven in eternity
    2008                          0

  29. Until death when we are resuscitated                2007                           0

  30. Until the next temptation (see Book)                 2008                          15

  31. Until then, defeat was certain (see Book)         2008                         0 

  32. Usability, attractiveness, information value
            (see Book)                                                2008                          0

  33. Use our thoughts and imagination to give
            them meaning (see Book)                         2008                        0

  34. Uses gestures and his body to intimidate her

            or to punish her.                                         2004                         0

  35. Using our own intelligence and methods of

            discourse analysis (see Book)                    2008                         0

  36. Utility of scientific neologisms
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  37. Utterances are speech acts that vary
            in function                                                  1969                          0

  38. Utterances as indexical expressions                  1969                          5

  39. Vague memories of their natural mind
             (see Book)                                                2008                          0 

  40. Varieties of religion under One
            Divine Human Person                                1999                          0  

  41. Venting is harmful to your health                       2000                          0  

  42. Verbal comments and verbalized feelings         1974                          0

  43. Verbal communicative situations                       1966                          5

  44. Verbal rage can transform itself                         1997                          0

  45. Verbal road rage                                                1997                          40

  46. Verbalizations as data                                        1983                         14

  47. Verbalizing nice sentiments                               1980                          0  

  48. Verbalizing sound patterns and rhythms
            (see Book)                                                 2008                          0

  49. Vertical Community                                           1984                          6,000

  50. Vertical community of the mental world
            of eternity  (see Book)                               2008                          0 

  51. Vertical dimension of the mental
            world of eternity (see Book)                      2008                         0 

  52. Viable alternative to Creationism                       1982                         0

  53. Virtual learning community                                1994                         22,300

  54. Virtual traffic patterns                                         1994                         5

  55. Virtuous habits of self-betterment                       2008                         0

  56. Visible to consciousness for only a split second
            in sudden memory (see Book)                  2008                         0

  57. Was his method intuitive or empirical?              1982                         0

  58. Weave it into the spiritual idea of how angels
            attend each of us  (see Book)                    2008                         0

  59. We are at war against our self and within our
            self. (see Book)                                         2008                         0

  60. We are conscious in the natural mind while we
            are still connected to our physical body
            on earth. (see Book)                                  2008                         0

  61. We are immortal, living forever                          2007                          0

  62. We are not conscious of our spiritual mind
            until after resuscitation.

  63. “We” are our own loves, hence whatever good
            and truth “we” love, becomes part of our
     (see Book)                               2008                         0

  64. We are then in a mental zone called death.
            (see Book)                                                   2008                         0

  65. We become collective personalities
            (see Book)                                                   2008                         0

  66. We belong to heaven in eternity                          2004                         0  

  67. We call it a traffic wave.                                      2008                          0

  68. We can acquire a heavenly love as our very
            own (see Book)                                           2008                          0

  69. We can cooperate or resist. (see Book)              2008                          0

  70. We can see in babies and toddlers the hatred
            of this love of obedience. (see Book)         2008                           0

  71. We can see this principal heavenly love
             in infants. (see Book)                                 2008                           0

  72. We cannot rely on our own thinking regarding
            what Sacred Scripture says that God
            wants from us. (see Book)                           2008                           0

  73. We come into existence with two bodies             2007                           0

  74. We continue our immortal life
            in our spiritual mind                                     2007                           0

  75. We don’t actually live on earth.                           2008                           0

  76. We have it forever – self and life.
            (see Book)                                                   2008                           0

  77. We have our immortality since birth.                  2008                           0

  78. We inherit aggressive and dangerous
            driving patterns as children                         1997                           0

  79. We know from the Letter as well that the Lord
            is in every person.                                       2008                           0

  80. We live in eternity in our spiritual body.             2008                           0

  81. We may possess numerous heavenly loves,
            and in each of them the Divine Love
            is present in full. (see Book)                       2008                           0

  82. We ourselves must develop a love for the
            Divine arrangement (see Book)                  2008                           0

  83. We produce neos by means of our ability to
            rationally understand what we perceive
            and observe around us. (see Book)             2008                           0

  84. We raise our understanding to the rational level
             of the Letter of the Third Testament            2008                          0

  85. We receive heavenly neologisms from Sacred
            Scripture and commandment neologisms
            from our conscience. (see Book)                2008                           0

  86. We speak according to our motives and
            intentions, which come from love.
    (see Book)                                                 2008                           0

  87. We then continue immortal life in the mental
            world of eternity. (see Book)                     2008                           0

  88. We therefore have a choice whether we are
            going to love the hell in us or the
            heaven in us.                                              1999                           0

  89. Well-formedness of diagrams                             1983                           9

  90. What God calls good is what can take us to
            heaven. (see Book)                                    2008                           0

  91. What God does, that I love                                  2008                           0

  92. What is a neo? (see Book)                                 2008                            0

  93. What is the person’s own (see Book)                 2008                            2

  94. What kind of a world is this in which there is
            no time, no place, and no matter??
    (see Book)                                                   2008                            0 

  95. What we choose from our own love, remains
            forever as ours. (see Book)                        2008                             0

  96. When a child reads Sacred Scripture
    (see Book)                                                  2008                             0

  97. When Swedenborg’s spiritual mind became
            conscious at age 57 (see Book)                  2008                             0

  98. When do men like femininity? (see Book)          2008                             0

  99. When the husband gives up male dominance
             (see Book)                                                 2008                             0

  100. When the husband or boyfriend is in the equity
             mood (see Book)                                       2008                          0

  101. When the husband or boyfriend is in the male
            dominance mood (see Book)                     2008                          0

  102. When the husband or boyfriend is in the unity
            mood (see Book)                                        2008                          0

  103. When they open their eyes after resuscitation
            is complete (see Book)                               2008                          0

  104. When we are conceived and born                     2007                          0

  105. When we are ready as-of self to engage in
            spiritual combat                                         2008                          0

  106. When we read Sacred Scripture the people in
            layers 6, 5, 4 are involved through
            correspondence. (see Book)                      2008                         0

  107. When we read Sacred Scripture in layer
            7Ce consciousness (see Book)                   2008                         0

  108. When we read the Swedenborg Reports in
            their literal sense (see Book)                     2008                          0

  109. Where is the mental world of eternity?
             (see Book)                                                2008                          0

  110. Which has the properties of being not-in time,
            not-in-place, and not-in-physical matter
     (see Book)                                                   2008                          0 

  111. Which is what is its life (see Book)                    2008                          0

  112. Which occurs 30 hours after death
    (see Book)                                                 2008                           0

  113. Which strive to be fulfilled by what is outside
            of them (see Book)                                    2008                           0

  114. Which we lovingly refer to as Nunc Licet           2008                           0

  115. While we think of the literal sense as we read,
            they think of the inner sense hidden
            within the literal. (see Book)                     2008                           0

  116. Wholistic entity of personality                            1973                           0

  117. Who inhabit the highest human layer (4)
             (see Book)                                                2008                           0

  118. Who is in a position of detecting, or
            noticing it (see Book)                                 2008                           0

  119. Who is my enantiomorph?                                  1976                           7,900

  120. Whose biography and sayings are preserved
            as the New Testament
            Sacred Scripture (see Book)                       2008                           0

  121. Whose function it is to historicalize                     1976                           0

  122. Who specialize in the ruling love of feeling
            resentful (see Book)                                    2008                           0

  123. Why did Buddha come back after he
            was already in Nirvana?                              1976                           0 

  124. Why does the Divine Psychologist connect you
            to them while you are brushing your teeth
            or preparing breakfast? (see Book)             2008                           0

  125. Wife as a context (see Book)                              2008                           0

  126. Wife-centric marriage                                          2000                           40

  127. Wife’s feminine intentions (see Book)                 2008                          0

  128. Wife or girlfriend is given access to all three
            mental layers of his mind (see Book)         2008                           0

  129. Winning and losing in the driving game             2000                           0

  130. Wisdom of Hindi Sacred Scripture                      2007                           0

  131. Wisdom produces beauty from love. 
    (see Book)                                                  2008                            0

  132. With respect to consciousness, individual
            development recapitulates collective
            evolution. (see Book)                                  2008                            0          

  133. Within the experience and consciousness
             (see Book)                                                 2008                            1

  134. Without spiritual temptations we would never be
            able to perceive that we are inverted.
            (see Book)                                                  2008                            0

  135. Witnessing Your Aggressive Driving: Checklist    2000                            0

  136. Women perceive it, and from that know it.
    (see Book)                                                  2008                            0

  137. Wonderful to see his ingenuity in
            accomplishing this (Swedenborg)               1982                            0

  138. Word arrangements motivated by
            mental anatomy (see Book)                       2008                            0

  139. Word combination frequency distribution
            tables (see Book)                                        2008                            0

  140. Words, phrases, arrangements  (see Book)         2008                           0

  141. Words, words, words                                            1967                           258,000

  142. World-wide neologistic databases
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0

  143. Writing neos (see Book)                                      2008                          0

  144. Writings Sacred Scripture (the)                            2004                          0

  145. Written, conversational, and reflective
     (see Book)                                                  2008                          0

  146. Wrote independently over a span of
            two millennia (see Book)                            2008                          0

  147. Yahoo generated occurrences (see Book)          2008                          0

  148. Yahoo occurrence (see Book)                             2008                          0

  149. Yahoo occurrence count (see Book)                   2008                          0

  150. You are producing an affective neo when you
            have a new love, intention, or motive.
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0

  151. You are producing a cognitive neo when you
            have a new thought, plan, or principle.
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0

  152. You are producing a sensorimotor neo when
            you have a new sensation, movement
            pattern, or verbal expression.
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0

  153. You are then the independent witness, and
            only one is strictly needed. (email)             2008                          0

  154. You can see how this forms the anatomical
            basis for the unity of husband and wife
            conjoining in conjugial love or eternal
            marriage. (see Book)                                   2008                          0

  155. You can’t be good until you want to.
             (see Book)                                                  2008                          0

  156. Your email is full of neos. (email)
    (see Book)                                                   2008                          0

  157. Your mental world is my mental world is every
            one’s mental world. (see Book)                  2008                          0

  158. Your neo, sourced as it is in a Divine Neo           2008                          0

  159. Your own neos are entry points to your
    relationship to God. (see Book)                          2008                          0

  160. Your range of hostility                                         2000                          0  

  161. Your ruling love now at the top of your love
            hierarchy, makes the final decisions.
    (see Book)                                                  2008                          0 

  162. Youth Against Road Rage (YARR)                        2000                          0  

Entries marked (see Book) refer to the Mind-Body Correspondences book (2008).

To access the Master Neochart by alphabetical entry:

Introduction || A B C D || E F G H || I J K L || M N O P || Q R S T || U V W X Y Z

Source pages

Authors: Leon James &  Diane Nahl Webmaster: I.J. Thompson